Dr. Kotronarou Anastasia

Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering Science (CALTECH, U.S.A., 1991), M.Sc. in Public Health Engineering (Imperial College ? University of London, U.K., 1986), Civil Engineering Degree (National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1985), Law Degree (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, 1997). Expertise in Environmental Field studies/Environmental Monitoring (air, noise & vibrations, water), Environmental Law, Environmental Management & Planning, Environmental Impact Assessment, Water Resources Management, Aquatic and Atmospheric Chemistry, Sanitary Engineering & Hydraulic Engineering Design, Renewable Energy Sources (Environmental impact of RES, Biomass), Wastewater Treatment, Programming – application of mathematical models for a number of environmental applications (water, air, noise). Project coordinator, scientist-in-charge and/or participant in over 100 projects financed by the European Commission, national Ministries and organizations, and the private sector; over 30 of them R&D projects co- funded by the European Commission under various EC programmes. Teaching on Liquid waste management and Biological treatment of wastewater, Environmental Impact Assessments; teaching assistant on Aquatic Chemistry, Chemical/ Biochemical Engineering for Water Quality control, introductory course to Environmental Engineering (graduate level).