Sitemap IERSD History Structure Staff Premises Links Research Research Activities Programs Publications Research Groups ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS GROUP (APCG) ATMOSPHERIC REMOTE SENSING MEASUREMENTS AND APPLICATIONS (ARSMA) CLIMADAPT GROUP ENERGY CONSERVATION (GREC) GROUP ON ENERGY PLANNING AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY RESEARCH GROUP ΜΕΤΕΟ UNIT SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATIONS (SOLEA) URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY GROUP Operational Services METEO YPATIA Services Actinometric Observations & Applications Anthropogenic emissions – Air Pollution forecasts Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory Climate Change Assessments: Impacts, Vulnerability, Economics Climatic Data Provision Energy Conservation in Buildings Environmental Monitoring Greenhouse Gases Emissions – Energy Planning HYDRONET Innovative AQ Sensors Laboratory of Meteorological Device Calibration Numerical Models and HPC Operational solar energy resource mapping, monitoring, nowcasting and forecasting SDG Indicator 11.6.2. Earth Observation Platform Weather Public News