YPATIA’s services are operated by the Atmospheric Chemistry laboratory (ACL) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) and focus on the monitoring of basic and specialized pollutant levels, as well as the assessment of their impacts on climate, health and ecosystems.

Main YPATIA’s services include:

  • The continuous, high resolution monitoring of air pollution in Athens by means of state-of-the-art equipment and a network of low and medium cost sensors
  • Air pollution measurements and sampling at points of interest with the use of a Mobile Air Quality Monitoring Station, upon request by the State
  • The collection of atmospheric air samples and their further chemical analysis
  • The identification and quantification of atmospheric emission sources
  • The implementation of plume dispersion applications by means of numerical models for public health and safety purposes (e.g. evacuation in case of natural or anthropogenic/industrial accidents)
  • Numerical air quality simulations for the investigation of naturally or manmade induced air pollution events (e.g. biomass burning, open agricultural fires, forest fires, Sahara dust events)
  • The monitoring and support of the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 2030)

Operational Structure

Urban Background Atmospheric Pollution Supersite

The site is located at NOA’s central premises at Thissio and provides high resolution air pollution data, using typical analyzers as well as state-of-the-art instrumentation, within the framework of the National and European Research Infrastructures PANACEA and ACTRIS, respectively ( and Additional information about the instrumentation deployed can be found in the Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Group site

Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory

NOA’s Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory (ACL) was founded in 1996 by the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (I.E.R.S.D.), one of NOA’s five institutes.

ACL is located at IERSD’s premises in P. Penteli. In 2005, the Laboratory upgraded its existing infrastructure, for the provision of chemical analyses and air pollutant monitoring services, with emphasis on hazardous for public health chemical compounds. The upgrade was implemented within the frame of the Operational Programme Competitiveness, co-financed by the European Union – European Regional Development Fund (E.R.D.F.) and national funds.

The immediate objective of ACL is the provision of high quality services for measuring atmospheric and other pollutants, in order to meet the demands of Greek society, state and private bodies, for sustainable economic and technological development, coupled with environmental and public health protection.

Additional information about ACL be found in the Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Group site

Mobile Air Quality Monitoring Station (Mobile AQMS)

ACL’s Mobile AQMS is a van type vehicle with on-board equipment that includes a set of gaseous and particulate analyzers for the monitoring of the major atmospheric pollutants (NO, ΝΟ2, O3, SO2, CO, BC, PM10). It provides flexibility in addressing pollution related issues across the country.

Additional information about the Mobile AQMS is provided by the Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Group site