The Group on Energy Planning and Sustainable Development is one of the research teams of IERSD/NOA specializing in issues of energy, environment and climate, in particular, the complex interdependence and interaction of these issues under the influence of technological advances and the demands of sustainability.

The Group on Energy Planning and Sustainable Development carries out activities on: (i) quantifying the impacts of climate change on various economic sectors, in physical and monetary terms, at local, regional and national level; (ii) projecting future energy balances and the associated GHG emissions by developing and implementing various types of models (i.e., engineering bottom-up, hybrid, based on input-output framework, time-series and other type of statistical models, etc.); (iii) estimating the scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 GHG emissions of companies and products; (iv) developing relevant analytical tools and models for analyzing the effectiveness and economic performance of technological and non-technological interventions aiming at climate change mitigation/adaptation; (v) developing and applying methodologies for estimating the co-benefits and trade-offs of mitigation/adaptation actions, with an emphasis in monetary valuation of goods and services that are not included in the market mechanism; and (vi) formulating action plans for adapting to climate change and developing low carbon economies.

The Group’s members have acted as Lead and Contributing Authors / Expert Reviewers in IPCC Sixth, Fifth and Fourth Assessment Report, Global Energy Assessment, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), reviewers of National GHG Emission Inventories and National Communications and participated for many years in UNFCCC negotiations as technical experts of the Greek Delegation.