The Atmospheric Remote Sensing Measurements and Applications (ARSMA) group has been formed in the last couple of years to bring together the research efforts of its members on atmospheric remote sensing,  measurements and related applications. The main research focuses of the group are:

  • Development and Applications of Weather Radar for cloud and rain studies and flood forecast by recording in real-time the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation. Rain microphysics algorithms for radar products have been developed and continuously improved. In collaboration with other institutes and universities, validation of GPM satellite rainfall products. Radar and lightning detection data assimilation in weather models for short-term weather forecast (nowcast) of rainfall and input in hydrological models using WRF weather model with 4D-Var data assimilation and radar-based nowcasting.
  • Validation of Global Databases of Satellite Precipitation Estimates over the Mediterranean Sea. The group validates high spatiotemporal resolution datasets in comparison with in situ measurements, in collaboration with the Cyprus Meteorological Service.
  • Processing of GNSS tropospheric data (zenith total delays) for the estimation of Integrated Water Vapor in the troposphere. Assimilation of GNSS tropospheric products into Numerical Weather Models (WRF) for improving forecasts of water vapor and precipitation. Climate monitoring using GNSS 3-D mapping. Removal of the Atmospheric Phase Screen (APS) from InSAR imaging using synergistic methodologies. Application of high-resolution Numerical Weather Modeling (WRF) for the estimation of zenithal tropospheric delays and removal of the differential atmospheric phase from interferograms. Validation of model output with remote sensing observational datasets (GNSS, MERIS, MODIS).
  • Climatology of Precipitation over the Mediterranean Sea, with focus on the frequency of extreme precipitation events in relation to Climate Change. The group studies the occurrence of events with heavy rainfall, the changes in the frequency of rainy days and the impact of Climate Change on monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation amounts.
  • Air-Sea Interaction study with focus on turbulence processes. In order to improve the understanding of physical processes, turbulent surface flux parameterizations, and the propagation of electromagnetic and optical waves at the complex air-sea interface, the group is engaged in field experiments which are carried out in collaboration with the Naval Postgraduate School, USA, using various measurement platforms (flux buoys, wave gliders, small ships, aircrafts) and performs data analysis.