Dr. Giannakopoulos Christos

Research interests focus on the study of atmospheric chemistry and climate change using global and regional models. The chemical models have a detailed description of physics and chemical reactions and their results are used to understand the mechamisms involved in the transport and chemical transformation of pollutants. The main interests include the study of the origins and transport of pollution in the Eastern Mediterranean region using data from ground measurements or aircraft campaigns. In the field of climate change we use and process data from global climate models in order to obtain a better estimate of the future climate of the earth. The main focus is the study of change of extreme events due to anthropogenic impacts both regionally in Greece and in Europe. Moreover the impacts of climatic changes on several sectors are also examined. These sectors include forest fire risk, energy usage, population health and tourism. These two fields of interest complement each other since for the study of climatic changes, several greenhouse gas scenarios are used, whose composition arises from a detailed study of the chemistry of atmosphere.