Dr. Bougiatioti Aikaterini

Born in Athens, Greece, in 1979. Holds a Bachelor Degree in Chemistry (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2003), a M.Sc. degree in Environmental Chemistry and Physics (2004) from the University Paris 7-Denis Diderot and a Doctorate in Environmental Chemistry (2009) in the Chemistry Department of the University of Crete. Her Ph.D. Thesis was in the field of Aerosol Research titled “Organic carbon in the Eastern Mediterranean and its role in the formation of Cloud Condensation Nuclei”. Conducted parallel research within the activities of Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory of the same dept. and univ. Worked as Post-Doctoral fellow at the School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences of the Georgia Institute of Technology during 2013-2014 in the field of Environmental Chemistry and Physics, and then moved to the Laser Remote Sensing Unit (LRSU) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) for one year (Action: “Support of Postdoctoral Researchers”, co-financed by EU & GR). Finally she moved to the Institute for Environmental Research & Sustainable Development (NOA) on 2016 contacting research on high resolution chemical composition and CCN measurements over Athens. In 2018 she was elected as Senior Researcher in IERSD/NOA has just started a 3-year study on the “PArticulate matter, Reactive oxygen And their Diverse OXidative potential-Health effects” (Competitive Research Grant from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) and the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI).


Research Interests:
Atmospheric chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Aerosols, Air quality, Particulate matter, Chemical composition, Aerosol-Cloud-climate interactions, Aerosol sampling, Aerosol size distribution, Dust microphysical properties, Source Apportionment